LRT Jakarta should continually innovate, governor

Governor Anies Baswedan is optimistic that PT LRT Jakarta would continue to create innovations and make breakthroughs in servicing the public.
Baswedan made the statement during the third anniversary of PT LRT Jakarta held virtually here on Friday, with attendees comprising the directors and LRT Jakarta’s personnel and also representatives of PT Jakarta Propertindo.

“We expect that PT LRT Jakarta would continue to create innovation, usher in breakthroughs, and make LRT Jakarta as one of the reliable, secure, and comfortable transportation facilities for all Jakartans,” Baswedan remarked.

The governor also congratulated PT LRT Jakarta for its three-year journey in offering services to public.

“Congratulations for the three-year journey of PT LRT Jakarta in providing services and upholding strong commitment to offering services to the public through agile, friendly, and trusted services and Insya Allah (God’s will) will give satisfactory experience to Jakartans,” he affirmed.

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